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- Children at Weddings: Embracing the Chaos with Love (and a Plan!)
As a mum to two wonderfully noisy and slightly feral little ones (thank you, outdoor lifestyle in Spain!), I’ve come to embrace the beautiful chaos that kids bring. Years of teaching in primary schools have also gifted me a special skill: being completely unfazed by the noise children make—even during a wedding ceremony! That said, we all know little ones can be, let’s say, spirited . Expecting them to sit still and silent for 30 minutes? Ambitious! While handing over a mobile phone might work, nobody wants Mr. Tumble providing unintentional background entertainment during the vows. However, that being said children can be just a teeny tiny little bit disruptive especially during a 30 minute ceremony where they might be expected to sit quietly (heaven forbid!) Kids happily play and chat by the window during the wedding celebration, capturing joyful moments. In my humble opinion, it could and should be mentioned to any guests with children that if their child is upset or uncomfortable, they should feel free to remove them from the ceremony area or take a little walk around what is usually a fairly beautiful and awesome venue. Guests shouldn't feel they need to sit there whilst their little one is crying or having a minor meltdown or yelling poo! (True story!) The majority of guests might actually like to hear the lovely personal vows, not little Charlie giving his lungs a good workout because he is tired, hungry, thirsty, or most likely, bored. I am a massive fan of making sure that kids have something to do to keep them busy during times when you need them to sit quietly. We have so many of these times, and some are successful, while others are not, but that is a story for another day! The Magic of Busy Bags Perfect Solution for Keeping Little Ones Busy: Busy bags are an amazing invention and could be a perfect solution for keeping little ones busy and quiet during the ceremony. Many Options for Busy Bag Contents: Colouring books/pages and crayons or pencils are a brilliant addition. These busy bags can be used later in the day too, with additional items added for later on. Bubbles as a Fun Addition: Bubbles are a great addition and can be used instead of, or as well as, confetti or flower petals being thrown. Include confetti or flower petals in the busy bag and put the kids in charge of throwing it at the end of the ceremony. Sweets, Snacks, and Drinks: Sweets, snacks, and a drink are a good idea to keep their fingers and mouths busy. a lollipop is always a winner! Delegating Childcare If you are the happy couple and have little people yourselves, seriously consider delegating someone, or several someones, to entertain and look after the kids. Someone they know but not your VIP's who will want to be present for the whole ceremony. At a few weddings in the past, I have seen couples actually hire people to babysit, take care of, and entertain the kids while you get on with the day. They children are there and can be included in everything, but there is the option for them to go off and play and be supervised while you enjoy your special moment. Bouncy castles, teepee's, colouring stations, sand blending stations. WIN WIN! Including Children in the Ceremony A charming young pageboy beams with excitement, dressed in a smart vest and bow tie. I think it is amazing to include children in your ceremony. Flower girls and boys are ALWAYS so very cute. Although they can be completely unpredictable, they generally pull off the walk up the aisle and throwing petals, carrying little signs, etc., incredibly well. (As a 5-year-old bridesmaid myself, I did cartwheels down the aisle in the church during the rehearsal, and everyone panicked that I might do it the next day during the service. I didn't! Personally, I would welcome this in a ceremony...spontaneity is fabulous!). The dedicated flower girl gracefully scatters petals along the aisle, adding a touch of magic to the wedding procession. I do however, usually suggest not doing a candle ceremony with kids for obvious health and safety reasons, but a sand ceremony can be incredibly poignant and inclusive for any age. Some couples like to add a vow about upholding their pledges to their children too. In some cases, additional rings or a gift of jewellery have been provided for the little ones as well as the couple. This is a truly melt-your-heart moment. Talented little people might be encouraged to sing or perhaps do a reading. Of course, they can always be ring bearers. I have had several little boys dressed as ring security with their shades and VIP ring box briefcase in hand. I know they say never work with children and animals, but in my experience, the more the kids are included in the day, the more amazing it is. Their spontaneity and unpredictability can make for some of the most amazing moments and memories, not to mention some really adorable photos. Gayle x
- Wedding Footwear Woes: Tips and Tales from the Ceremony Frontline
Now, I am a HUGE fan of footwear. I mean I could seriously give Imelda Marcos a run for her money in terms of my shoe collection, however since I have been working as a celebrant, I find that wedding footwear is a serious issue that simply must be addressed. Many of the simply stunning venues I am lucky enough to call my temporary office for the day are perhaps on the beach, set in luscious gardens, or situated in cobblestoned courtyards. Believe you me, these are a footwear minefield. Personally, I plump for either wedges or block heels. Flats are also an option, but when you are slightly vertically challenged like moi, flat shoes are not the best idea, especially if marrying a tall couple. A Painful Footwear Memory I remember once seeing an ex-work colleague getting a spike heel caught in the slat flooring of a beach club and breaking said heel right at the beginning of a large event. This would not have been such an issue if said shoes were not incredibly expensive. I felt her pain, I seriously did!My main concern in wearing anything other than wedges or block heels is that I am incredibly clumsy, a regular fairy elephant. If there is a cobblestone to trip over or a lawn to sink into, it will be yours truly who does it. This is not a good look while conducting a wedding ceremony, believe you me. Especially dangerous is conducting a wedding ceremony on a platform over a swimming pool. True story! Despite the incredible heat that day, the setup and my general clumsiness really made me sweat. I had visions of falling backwards into said swimming pool, which, although on such a warm day would have been rather refreshing, it would have spoiled the moment somewhat! Personal Preference for Flats: I am therefore quite particular about my wedding footwear and am often found in flats before and after the ceremony. This makes rushing around simpler and helps avoid any twisted ankle. Pre-Warn Your Wedding Guests: It is a good idea to pre-warn your wedding guests accordingly as to the type of terrain they will be expected to traverse. While hiking boots might not be necessary, perhaps flats, wedges, and block heels might seriously be worth considering. Alternative Solutions: If not, at least those cool little plastic things you can put over your stiletto heel to make it less spikey. High Heels and the Wedding Day Now, you will always get some who will rock those sky-high stilettos and carry it off without the slightest hitch, not even a wobble or a stumble. But, you also don't want great aunt Ethel to lose her footing, get her heel stuck in the lawn, and end up arse over teakettle in the nearest flower bed! Although, it might make for some rather interesting wedding pics. Something else to bear in mind: it is a long, long day and a long time to be sporting potentially very uncomfortable footwear. Especially if you are the bride, you do NOT want to spend your day wishing you had chosen something else to wear on your feet and grimacing rather than beaming during your wedding photos. I have a friend who was married recently in over 40-degree weather (typical for Andalucia in August). She and her entire bride tribe were sporting the finest customized Converse trainers, and I remember thinking what an absolutely brilliant idea. Stylish, yet comfortable, and I bet they rocked the night away with no problem whatsoever. Unique Footwear Choices My last bride of the 2019 wedding season had a simply stunning pair of cream DM's as her wedding shoes. You could barely see them under the gorgeous dress, but a very smart move, in my opinion. Now, some may say, "It is my wedding day and I will wear the daintiest, prettiest, spikiest shoes that I have always dreamed of." Of course, it is entirely your prerogative to do so. However, it might be an idea to have a pair of ballerinas stashed away somewhere for later on. I have sometimes seen a box of flip-flops or ballerinas for anyone to help themselves should they find themselves bemoaning their wrongly chosen footwear for a wedding. Personally, I would be so chuffed to find a pair of flip-flops or ballerinas and would certainly reuse them in the future. Gayle x
- Marry-oke: Adding Amazing Singing to Your Wedding Ceremony
The scene is set, we are midway through a simply beautiful ceremony, and I announce to the guests that my bride and groom would love it if they could all join in, channel their inner Jackie Wilson, Al Green, the Beatles, Beyoncé, or whoever they channel while singing in the shower. They are invited to sing along to a very special part of the ceremony, which I personally like to call "Marry-oke." Amazing photo courtesy of Ed Godden Marry-oke is without a doubt one of my absolute favorite things to include in a ceremony, and I am not in the least bit ashamed to admit that I really do try to convince my couples to do it. Yes! All of them! It is not for everyone. It is a bit like Marmite; some people just hate the idea of a group song mid-ceremony, while others embrace it with open arms. Singing in Ceremonies: A Nostalgic Touch To put it quite simply, I don't remember ever going to a wedding when I was a child where there weren’t several hymns included in the ceremony. Everyone would drone out the words or mime (my speciality), and sometimes, on the very rare occasion, it would be quite a fun hymn, slightly uplifting, breaking up the monotony of a rather boring ceremony. Anyway, I digress. My point is, WHY NOT? Why not include some singing during your wedding ceremony? Why not ditch those boring songs of old and opt for something lovely and uplifting to get everyone to join in? I promise you, it will make your ceremony memorable and will remind you of your special day every time you hear that song thereafter. Amazing photo courtesy of Evergreen Malaga I am a big fan of Marry-oke songs from the Beatles. I mean, who doesn't know all the words to "All You Need Is Love" or "Love Me Do," right? However, one of my all-time favorite Marry-oke group songs to date was at my last wedding of the 2018 wedding season. (Loved them all for different reasons but this one stood out!) A Memorable Marry-oke in Spain Beautifully Designed Venue: Despite a rainy day requiring a last-minute venue change to a beautiful hotel overlooking Lake Iznajar in Andalucía, Spain, the ceremony turned out fabulous. Wonderful Guests and Electric Atmosphere: The guests were wonderful, and the atmosphere was electric. Unique and Engaging Group Song: After the vows and ring exchange, I declared that my couple would be simply thrilled if EVERYONE would join in for a very special Marry-oke group song, with words found on their seats. The song of choice? Jackie Wilson's "Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher." Unforgettable Participation: The entire room gave it 100% and sang their hearts out. It was AMAZING! Oh my! There are no words to describe how the entire room gave it 100% and sang their hearts out to this fantastic, uplifting tune. It was AMAZING! What a way to end a ceremony. What a way to start married life together. The atmosphere following the singing was electric, and I just knew they were all off to make the reception just as fantastic as the ceremony. My only regret was that I was so busy with the ceremony and singing my little socks off too that I didn't get even just a snippet on video. (I am truly rubbish at remembering to take photos and videos of anything). So when you are planning your ceremony, please, please, please give it some thought. You may still decide that it is not your cup of tea, but I don't know one couple who, having done this, hasn't said it was a fabulous element to include in their ceremony. I will even promise to join in myself, although I feel I must pre-warn you: I do sound like a cat being strangled when I sing. I apologize profusely in advance. Yours plugging Marry-oke mid-ceremony group songs forever, Gayle x